Health and Development Reviews
Health and Development Reviews / Vorsorgeuntersuchungen (the "U"s) are a very important tool for paediatricians, in order to be able to find undesirable developments or diseases at an early stage and to be able to help immediately.
Most children are healthy and well cared for by their families, but when a health problem is early on found, it usually can be treated well and an aggravation prevented.
The dates of the check-ups are written on the front of the Yellow Booklet / Gelben Heft (Kinderuntersuchungsheft). (English translation of Yellow Booklet as PDF).
For infants and very small children, the appointments for the next due "U" can already be made and given to you, when your child is being seen at an U-appointment.
If the children are older, no appointments can be made in advance, because these are e.g. only due in the next year. We therefore ask parents to check the yellow booklet for the next due "U" appointment and then to make an appointment by telephone closer to the due dates.
If no dates are given in the yellow booklet for the "U"s, then you can have them calculated with U-examination-calculators, e.g. here: Us and J1 examination appointment calculator of the BZgA. Please put these into your yellow booklet.
Please come to all medical check-ups ("U"s) and help ensure that the appointments are kept. Many Thanks.
Films and leaflets on the Health and Development Reviews / Vorsorgeuntersuchungen U1 - U9 are available in English language at the "Deutschen Liga für das Kind":