Terms of Use and Disclaimers
Terms of use
Paediatric Practice Stuttgart-East (also: Paediatricians Stuttgart-East), Ostendstraße 69, 70188 Stuttgart-East
1. Scope of application
1.1 Our Terms of Use apply to the website kinderaerzte-stuttgart-ost.de (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") and its subdomains. Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost operates the website and the services offered.
By using this website you agree to the terms of use. We reserve the right to change the information and presentation on the website at any time without prior notice.
2. Web pages
2.1 The websites and services of the Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost are available to everyone.
2.2 The Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost operates the website with careful care and maintenance. However, the Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost does not guarantee that the websites are accessible at all times. The Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost does not guarantee that the web pages are always up to date and free of errors. Delays, typing errors and also incorrect information may occur.
3 Duties of the user
3.1 Each user of the web pages of Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost is responsible for all his or her own activities. Users are also obliged to comply with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.
3.1 Each user of the websites of Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost is responsible for all his or her own activities. Users are also obliged to comply with the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
3.2 The contents and services of the web pages of Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost may not be used for illegal purposes. It is not permitted to register third parties for a newsletter service without their knowledge and consent or to set up a user account for them without their knowledge and consent, if available.
3.3 User activities aimed at rendering the web pages of the Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost non-functional or at least making their use more difficult are prohibited and may be prosecuted under civil and criminal law.
4 Liability
4.1 The Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost shall only be liable if the cause of the damage is due to intentional or grossly negligent conduct.
5 Trademark rights and copyrights
The web pages and their contents of the Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost, in particular texts, logo and photos, are protected by copyright. We have the respective rights of use to the content we have placed ourselves. These may therefore not be reproduced or used in any other way except for private purposes. Publication or further use requires the consent of the Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost.
6. Data protection
You can find our data protection declaration here.
7. User account - registration and cancellation (if offered)
7.1 In our customer centre you have the possibility to register. Only persons of full legal capacity are permitted to create an account.
7.2 The user undertakes not to make any false statements about his person.
7.3 The user is responsible for the confidentiality of his/her user account data (login name and password). You should keep the user account data secret and store it securely. If you have reason to be concerned that the data is being misused, please inform us immediately.
7.4 The user as well as the Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost are entitled to terminate the registration for the user account at any time with one week's notice.
7.5 The Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost is entitled to terminate the user's registration for the user account with immediate effect if the user repeatedly violates the Terms of Use and does not remedy this violation even after receiving a reminder setting a deadline, or repeats the violation.
8 Links to other websites
8.1 The Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost offers links to other website operators. The Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost has no influence on the content of these websites.
8.2 For this reason, the Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever if the user follows these links.
The use of the links is at the user's own risk. No separate notice is given when the user leaves the website of the Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost.
8.3 The Kinderarztpraxis-Stuttgart-Ost asks the user to inform it if illegal or dubious content is found on the linked website.
In case of doubt, the original German wording applies.