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Elevator out of service 20.01. - approx. 21.02.2025!

The elevator in the building will be out of service from 20.01.2025 until probably 21.02.2025 , due to new installation!

Please plan with us to have to use the stairs - or book another appointment if it is not urgent.  

Kinderärzte Stuttgart-Ost / Paediatric Doctors Stuttgart-East

Dr. med. Erhard Fujiwara-Pichler MSc.
Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin / Neonatologie
Ostendstraße 69
70188 Stuttgart-Ost

Telefon:  0711 / 28 31 08 and 26 19 46
Fax:  0711 / 262 80 98
WhatsApp:  please ask for the number (only reception of WhatsApp messages from our patients)

Homepage: ►www.kinderä


Opening times:

Monday08.00 - 12.30 hrs & 14.00 - 16.30 hrs
Tuesday08.00 - 12.30 hrs & 14.00 - 16.30 hrs
Wednesday08.30 - 12.30 hrs & by appointment: 14.00 - 16.00 hrs 
Thursday08.00 - 12.30 hrs & 14.00 - 16.30 hrs
Friday08.00 - 12.30 hrs
In urgent cases
in the evening
19.00 - 08.00 hrs (the next morning).
►Peadiatric emergency practice of the Olga Hospital Stuttgart,
Kriegsbergstraße 62, 70174 Stuttgart, Tel:  0180 / 60 71 112
In urgent cases
at weekends a.
bank holidays
Whole day.
►Peadiatric emergency practice of the Olga Hospital Stuttgart,
Kriegsbergstraße 62, 70174 Stuttgart, Tel:  0180 / 60 71 112


We offer basic laboratory testig, allergy-skinprick testing, offer hearing testing with tympanometry, vison testing inlcuding PlusOptix vision testing, lung function testing, hip ultrasonography as well as orientating abdomen ultrasonography.

The team currently includes one Paediatrician, one doctor in advanced training as a Paediatrician, two medical assistants and two trainees.

Searching for a Specialty Paediatrician or Psychologist

When you are searching for a Specialty Paediatrician or a Psychologist, please can patients contact for help to find one:

MedCall Patient phone (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg)
Telephone number for patients searching for a doctor or psychotherapist.
Tel.: 0711 7875-3966 or Website MedCall Patient phone

  • Mon – Thu: 8 – 16 hrs
  • Fri: 8 – 12 hrs


Appointment service point / Terminservicestelle (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Baden-Württemberg)
Nationwide telephone number for patients: without area code and free of charge.

Tel.: 116117 or Website Terminservicestelle

  • Mon – Fri: 8 – 18 hrs